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Is your vagina as dry as a desert?  Do you wish that you could get your sexy back?  Vaginal dryness is not just for the menopausal generation.  It may surprise you to know that a 20 year old on birth control pills can also have a dry vagina as can a 40 year old on chemotherapy.  Yes, vaginal dryness can occur at any age depending upon the hormonal changes occurring at the time.

During our younger years, the hormone estrogen is responsible for keeping the vagina moist and plump.  Folds in the vagina called rugae help to increase friction during sexual intercourse making it more pleasurable.  With age, the vaginal tissue thins and the vagina shortens making it more susceptible to bacterial invasion and itchiness. The external genitalia become misshapen. Women are apt to bleed more now with sexual intercourse.

Well, you DEFINTITEY can get your sexy back and regain that moist vagina.  One of the best ways to do that is to use it.  Regular sexual activity increases blood flow and elasticity of the vagina.  But doctor, how can I if it hurts so much????

What is the difference between a vaginal moisturizer and a vaginal lubricant?  A vaginal moisturizer can be used twice per week to normalize the vaginal pH and add moisture. It can be used in the sexually active or non-sexually active woman since a healthy vagina is not just for the sexually active woman.  Vaginal dryness can plague the 20 year old on birth control pills, the 40 year old postpartum woman or the 70 year old in a new sexual relationship.  I recommend any and all women begin with a vaginal moisturizer.

The vaginal lubricant is used with sexual intercourse to ease discomfort and enhance pleasure. 

It is time to get your sexy back!!  

For more information on vaginal dryness follow me on social media at DrBobbiOBGYN.

Is your vagina as dry as a desert?  Do you wish that you could get your sexy back?  Vaginal dryness is not just for the menopausal generation.  It may surprise you to know that a 20 year old on birth control pills can also have a dry vagina as can a 40 year old on chemotherapy.  Yes, vaginal dryness can occur at any age depending upon the hormonal changes occurring at the time.

During our younger years, the hormone estrogen is responsible for keeping the vagina moist and plump.  Folds in the vagina called rugae help to increase friction during sexual intercourse making it more pleasurable.  With age, the vaginal tissue thins and the vagina shortens making it more susceptible to bacterial invasion and itchiness. The external genitalia become misshapen. Women are apt to bleed more now with sexual intercourse.

Well, you DEFINTITEY can get your sexy back and regain that moist vagina.  One of the best ways to do that is to use it.  Regular sexual activity increases blood flow and elasticity of the vagina.  But doctor, how can I if it hurts so much????

I recommend starting with a vaginal moisturizer such as Replens®.  Replens® can be used twice per week and helps to normalize the vaginal pH and add moisture.  All women need a healthy vagina so this is not just for those who are sexually active.  Vaginal lubricants such as Momentum® are added during sexual intercourse to ease the discomfort.

It is time to get your sexy back!!  

For more information on vaginal dryness follow me on social media at DrBobbiOBGYN.

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