finding myself


The Journey Back …

At the time of our birth, we are endowed with EVERYTHING that we need in order to have the best lives for ourselves.  GOD makes no mistakes and every human being who has ever been born was intended to be here.  There is a Hebrew saying that at every conception there are three entities….GOD, the male and the female.  As a physician and scientist, I marvel at the fact that at that moment of conception, that particular egg and that particular sperm meet to make that particular individual.  It is mind blowing that if conception had occurred a month later it would have been a different egg, a different sperm and a different human being with a  different genetic make up. We are like snowflakes in that we are unique and never has there been, is there or will there ever be anyone just like you. 

I believe that we all are born in LOVE and that LOVE is the reason we all are here….to LOVE and be LOVED along the journey. That is not to say that everyone that we encounter has LOVE for us and our best interests at heart, but the underlying fact is that GOD’s fierce LOVE for us is unconditional, relentless and eternal and as we live our lives we are obligated to get back to that place.

As we live, life happens.  People betray us.  We have disappointments.  We sometimes interpret the good for bad.  People enter and exit our lives.  We take wrong turns and wonder why we went that way.  Sometimes wrong messages are sent our way and we are not resilient enough to let them roll off our backs like water off a duck. We get sidetracked.  We allow negative stimuli to permeate our being.  We begin to see ourselves as inadequate. We forget who we are and whose we are.  We look for LOVE in all the wrong places and we come back feeling unfulfilled.  Things happen out of our control and we wonder what in the world we could have done to deserve them.

No matter what kind of life we are having, the real test is that we are on this journey back to LOVE.   Back to where we allow the pure and unconditional LOVE of GOD to immerse our being. Back to where that LOVE allows us to be who we really are.  Back to that place where LOVE is vast, unconditional, relentless and fierce.  Back to the safety, acceptance of and expression of our truest self.  Back to where we are taught how to LOVE ourselves and where the opinion of GOD is the opinion that matters.

Every single day we want to bask in the LOVE that is GOD.  Bask in the LOVE that is at the core of your being.  That LOVE that gives you permission to be the authentic self that you were designed to be.  At the end of the day despite the day that it has been bask in your journey back to you. Bask in the LOVE that defines you.

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